Tag Archives: Palm Pre

Halo Stats

I haven’t had time to post about this, as I’ve been out of town, and otherwise busy.  But Halo Stats is now available in the Palm Application Catalog!  The latest update for it was pushed out yesterday as well, adding daily / weekly challenges and some extra player information.

Halo Stats has already received 40 reviews (almost all positive) and surpassed Quick Subnets in downloads.  The next update will have commendation information and a new interface, some of which is already written into the current version (0.5.4).  Also, Win/Loss ratios will be implemented, as it’s one of the top requests in reviews.

Expect the update sometime next week!  And thanks everyone who is downloading it!

Quick Subnets now in Palm’s App Catalog!

Quick Subnets has been accepted by Palm!  My page for it is available in the link or in the above menu.  Otherwise you can view Palm’s page for it, where it gives you options to send it to your phone or post it to Twitter / Facebook.

Also, there have been over 700 downloads since it was accepted on 7/28/10.  I hope everyone is finding it useful!  Please send any comments / issues to QNS@john-am.com.