
My name is John Abdul-Masih, I’m a technology enthusiast from the Quad Cities area.  This website serves as a log of my projects and thoughts about technology or the tech world.

Currently I work as the Senior Communications Technician at MetroLINK in Rock Island, IL.  There I support a system supplied by Init, Inc.  That provides data from each of the buses in MetroLINK’s fleet.  This includes real-time information such as GPS, heading, and route.  However, the system can also provide statistics information such as passenger boarding / alighting and schedule adherence.

Working with computers – both at work and outside of work – I often run into scenarios where I’m working on something with no good documentation online.  One purpose of this website is to write down those tasks or situations, in the hope that someone else will find them useful.

Do-It-Yourself projects are a hobby of mine, one that has been expanded by the opening of the QC Co-Lab Hackerspace in Davenport.  As many have said, the ability to work for a few hours and have something physical to show for it is really amazing, but doubly so for someone used to doing that work on computers.  Even if it’s something simple, being able to say you created it is a feeling like no other.

If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at moc.liamg@amludbaj. And on Twitter as @JohnAbdulMasih. Give me a shout!

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